Sensor Summary Fact Sheet for Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS

Collection: Landsat
The Landsat program, originally known as the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS), was proposed in 1965 by the US Geological Survey(USGS) as a civilian satellite program. NASA started building the first satellite in 1970 and have launched 6 spacecraft successfully (Landsat 6 was lost at launch). In December 2009 all Landsat archive products were made available free to the public on the USGS website.
Satellite: Landsat 8
Landsat 8 carries the Operational Land Imager (OLI) and the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data recorder. The OLI sensor includes two additional bands compared to previous Landsat missions: a coastal aerosol band and a cirrus cloud band. The TIRS sensor provides data in two bands with different wavelengths and is resampled to 30m from 100m acquisition resolution. All products are provided in the 16-bit data range and have improved radiometric and geometric performance. Landsat 8 is offset from the Landsat 7 orbit by 8 days giving a shorter revisit time between the two satellites.
Nov. 2, 2013
705 km
16 days
Sensor: OLI/TIRS
Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Scanner Combined
Worldwide Reference System 2 (WRS2)
Push Broom Optical Scanner
185 km
Multi-spectral, Panchromatic, Thermal
430 - 12510 nm
15m; 30m
185 km x 170 km km
Landsat 8; OLI; multi-spectral; panchromatic; 15m; 30m; pan-sharpen; TIRS; thermal; 30m resampled; 100m acquired
Yearly catalogue product overview for Landsat 8
2013 2014 2015
3486 210 28